そこで出会った三重の土。 妬器(せっき)と呼ばれる焼き物で器を作りました。
三重の四日市や、 愛知の粘土には鉄分が多く含まれているため、 焼き締めることによって吸水性のない堅い器が出来ます。
本来、 急須などに多く使用される土ですが、 そこであえて器を作ろうと。
妬器(せっき)とは、 ヨ ー ロッパで、 ストーンウェアと言われる硬い器です。
土を吹付け焼き締めたままのグレー。鉄のような釉薬をかけた黒。 グレイッシュなマットの白。 綺麗な石のような深いブルー。
それぞれの色と合わせてもバランスがよく、 料理の邪魔をせず、 日常使いしやすい器に仕立てました。
家でたくさん器があっても使う器は、 決まってきてしまうもの。
それらのよいところを合わせ使い勝手のよい、 プレート4種、 ディ ーププレート3種、 ボウル4種をデザインしました。
どんなお料理にも、 どんなシチュエーションにも対応できる定番の器になりますように。
I wanted to create a vessel that could be used in daily life and that had the element of “serving food directly on stone or iron.
I was wondering if it would be possible to create such an unlikely vessel.
Then I came across clay from Mie. I made the vessels from a type of pottery called sekki.
Clays from Yokkaichi in Mie and Aichi contain a lot of iron, which makes the clay hard and non-water absorbent when fired.
This clay is originally used for teapots and the like, but I decided to make pottery out of it.
The result is a new type of vessel that can be enjoyed as it ages, different from porcelain or ceramics.
Sekki is a hard vessel called “stoneware” in Europe.
It is gray in color and is still baked after the clay has been blown and fired. Black with an iron-like glaze. Grayish matte white. Deep blue like a beautiful stone.
The colors are well balanced when combined with each other, and the dishes do not interfere with the food, making them easy to use in everyday life.
Even if you have a lot of dishes at home, the dishes you use are always limited.
We have designed four types of plates, three types of deep plates, and four types of bowls that combine the best features of each type for ease of use.
We hope that these dishes will become your standard for any kind of dishes and any kind of situation.