なんてことありませんか、 小物入れって。
5 年、10 年と経つほどに、アンティークのように色合いが落ち着き、暮らしの風景に染まっていく。
コーヒー豆、お茶、調味料、文具 etc.
Simple things that will eventually become antiques.
You start using something “for the time being” and find yourself using it all the time…
Don’t you ever use a small container?
If so, you will grow to love them as you use them over and over again,
In order to create such a can storage, we headed for an old-fashioned can factory in downtown Tokyo.
Tinplate, brass, and copper. Each has its own fresh color,
The more five or ten years pass, the more the colors become more antique, and the more they become part of the scenery of daily life.
The shape is simple so that you will never get tired of it.
The shape is simple so that it will never become boring, and the lines are drawn with a minimum of unevenness from any angle,
The craftsmen made it by hand.
You can feel the skill of the craftsman when you feel the comfortable “click” when opening and closing the door.
The sanding is also done by hand. The matte finish is resistant to scratches and stains.
Coffee beans, tea, seasonings, stationery, etc.
You can put whatever you want in it, because it can be placed anywhere.