Honest craftsmanship is backed by the thinking that "any relationship between people and among people and things must be comfortable." This has been a priority since the company was founded. Objects have meaning in their existence, and that meaning changes via the intervention of people. If SyuRo's existence and SyuRo's involvement can up the value of things and experience, we cannot be happier. Everything at SyuRo is created via connections between things and people. I believe that our mission is to increase joy, make things more fun, and make things more comfortable via our involvement. Just like how arranging flowers on a roadside leads to an undefined comfort and like how a feeling of gratitude can be created when gift is given… it's invisible, but the connection is definitely there, and some form of circulation (a circle) comes from it. We proceed while keeping this "circle" in mind.

We want many people to know the value of Japan.
It is not only Japanese technology and culture, but also the spirit and consideration for people and things.
It is the spirit of Zen and Shintoism, as well as the spirit of Wabi and Sabi, a sense of negative aesthetics.
Through design, we hope to express these ideas and create an opportunity for many people to find value in them.

熟練した技術だけが叶えられる上質な質感。それを絶妙なバランスで組み合わせていきます。 ときには不可能だと言われたものでも、根気よく理解してもらいながら、お互いのいい策を導き出します。あたらしい素材と引き合わせてみる。異なる分野のアイデアを組み合わせてみる。 けれどそれが異質な空気を醸し出さないよう、まわりに合わせて橋渡しする。 そこに生まれる新鮮なバランスや、ささやかなおどろきこそ、SyuRoの価値だと言ってもいいでしょう。
The binds we create little by little are SyuRo's great assets. Even if times change, these will not. High-quality textures that can only be achieved with skilled technology… we combine them in perfect balance. Even if it seems to be impossible, we will create a good plan for everyone while patiently gaining understanding. We will try matching with new materials. We will try to combine ideas from different fields. We will bridge the situation according to the surroundings so as to prevent creating a strange atmosphere. It can be said that the value of SyuRo is created in fresh balance and in the small surprises that we bring forth. We think that change over time and even the time that it takes to get close to people can be what designs life. We believe that the beauty of handiwork is the richness that comes from cool and warm craftsmanship. How we act with people is SyuRo's asset.

私たちが考える「デザイン」とは、“目に見えないことに価値を見出すこと” です。普段は気が付かないその当たり前の中に、たくさんの価値が存在しているのです。
より良く、より美味しく、より楽しい ことが、豊かさに繋がる部分だと思っています。
"We conceive of design by finding value in invisible things." There is a lot of value in the ordinary things that we usually do not pay attention to. This does not mean dressing things up or trying to be attractive—it means to create an opportunity for people to notice things as they are. That is what "finding value means." Just one different plate on the dining table can make a delicious meal better. Using a comfortable towel can make you notice someone’s kindness. Something is created by finding value in the invisible parts, i.e., the feelings and thoughts that reside in the completely invisible. We believe that being better, more delicious, and more fun leads to richness… and to a simple life… with negative aesthetics in mind. All of our designs are based on this idea.
We aim for everyone to have a peaceful time. What we want is a fresh atmosphere, a natural & rich environment without anything being too artificial, and if possible, simple kindness. By valuing our daily lives and living, which is a state that humans should strive for, we face ourselves squarely and cultivate our sensibilities while sensing our connection with the universe. We cherish the comfort that arises when invisible feelings such as joy and gratitude are nurtured through people and things.
宇南山 加子
The environment around us exists in the universe. Therefore, it is essential to coexist with nature. I think it is very important that, while having fun as a person and by sharpening our five senses, we tell delicious things to be delicious and beautiful things to be beautiful, while cultivating our sensibilities. Triggers can be created that lead to everything, even if they're not visible.
And I feel that the richness of human life comes from kindness to people nearby. This is a way to live comfortably without forcing.
That is why I am grateful that I was born in Japan, respect the creature from tradition and culture, and want to be who depicts and get it through.
And I hope to create an opportunity for kindness and compassion to circulate and connect, while having people notice and feel something invisible by enriching the mind and body with a way of living comfortably in daily life, thinking about connection with nature.
Looking ahead to the future, SyuRo proposes an elaborate lifestyle that can be handed down to the next generation and a meaningful lifestyle for the future through design.
Masuko Unayama
President and Representative Director
SyuRo Co., Ltd.

1999 年 宇南山加子が代表となりデザイン会社としてSyuRoを設立。
Representative Director, SyuRo Co., Ltd.
Designer, Interior Stylist, Director
Born in Tokyo in 1975. Graduated from Department of Life Design, Joshibi University of Art and Design Junior College. Then worked at an illumination manufacturer, studied under Florist Masako Tani. Established SyuRo as a design company in 1999. SyuRo sells and proposes tools that can be used continuously in daily life, made with the spirit of Japanese tradition, craftsmanship, and made at welfare facilities, in 28 countries, including Japan and overseas such as Europe, mainly in Northern Europe, and America as daily-use design products selected through SyuRo's uniqueness. Taking advantage of the texture of materials, SyuRo specializes in proposals that are simple but that value the space between opposites, such as ordinary and extraordinary, Western and Japanese, etc. In recent years, SyuRo has been involved in the production of interior shops and manufacturing spaces, store planning, and styling. In addition to designing and directing hotels and restaurants, it also provides designs for overseas brands such as in Denmark. SyuRo’s shop in Tokyo is a gallery that mainly sells original products and is visited by many customers from around the world, making it a place for cultural dissemination.